
Official white paper

What is Qoop?

A web3 ask-2-earn platform where you can earn by asking or answering questions. The ownership of the opinion data belongs to the players through blockchain, and the opinion gathering process is gamified in the Qoop universe. Each question is personified as Poyo, a creature raised by answers. The players aim to collect them as pets, and they can buy, sell, or trade them as the value rises as they grow.

To decentralize opinion data and organize them for an accurate and transparent worldview.

  • Data is money and it belongs to the users. Not corporations.

  • Fix the 'truth' problem caused by echo chambers via incentivizing middle grounds.

  • Create a decentralized opinion search engine for a transparent worldview.

Qoop's core technology and the economy are built upon three tokens. In order for a safe and smooth transfer from conventional web2 to web3, we built it in such a way that it can capture both the mass adoption in the mobile market to the early adopters in the web3 space.

Last updated